Advance purchase tickets are the cheapest tickets but have to be bought before travel.

They are only valid on the date and train shown on the ticket.

They are limited in number - first-come first-served - see what's available:


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about advance tickets

They are single tickets available for both first and standard classes and must be purchased in advance. For return journeys you purchase two tickets, one for your outward journey and one back.

They can be bought online and collected from station ticket machines or they can be delivered to your door.

They are only valid on the date and trains shown on the ticket and you cannot break your journey except to change to/from connecting trains. Discounts are available with most railcards plus a reserved seat which you must occupy.

They become available around 12 weeks in advance but vary in price dependent upon availability. They are quota-controlled with the cheaper ones selling first so the longer you wait, the more expensive they become, but they can still often be available the day before travel.